Retreat Dharma Talks
at London Insight Meditation
Guided by Nature
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2016-09-10 (2 days)
London Insight Meditation
Embodied Presence is Always Here
Ajahn Sucitto
Intro & Guided Meditation: Embodiment is not the visual or notional form of the body, but a domain of sensations, pressures, temperatures, and movements. When attention is turned to this embodied experience and we relax what doesn't need to be activated, calm and sensitivity are naturally generated.
The Body's Intelligence
Ajahn Sucitto
Standing Meditation: The body has an intelligence that can't be figured out by the mind. It can find the place of least stress and effort, and establish balance. In this way, embodiment moderates the mind.
Ground, Balance and Wholeness
Ajahn Sucitto
Guided Sitting Meditation: (Guidance begins at 10 min, and then again at 25 min) Ask the body to align and find balance, then allow it to happen through vitality versus will power. Look for wholeness with regards to physical pain: rather than splitting into a 'me' who has a stiff shoulder – can it be included?
Embodiment as Basic Sanity
Ajahn Sucitto
We can use the body as a means to pause from immediate reactions and perceptions. From this place we can extend, allowing a shift so that something more compassionate, spacious, and authentic can arise.
Walking with Nowhere to Go
Ajahn Sucitto
Walking Meditation Instructions: Customarily, walking is about 'getting somewhere', but in walking meditation there's nowhere to go. Widen the perceptual field like a bubble and tune into how the body walks.
Returning to Our Natural State
Ajahn Sucitto
Intro & Guided Meditation: Embodiment is a touchstone for deep sanity where we come back to our fundamental senses. It is a domain we cannot be separated from, though we separate ourselves from it.
Subjective Reality Is the Place for Liberation
Ajahn Sucitto
In the world of systems, life is explained, and measured in terms of objectivity. This reality results in the experience of division and stress. In subjective reality there is direct feeling and experiencing of life through embodiment. Everything is met and integrated. This is the reality to be experienced, cultivated and cleared for ultimate liberation.
The Realm of Subtle Form
Ajahn Sucitto
Standing Meditation: Find balance, where least effort is needed. From the soles of the feet, begin to sweep awareness up into the legs, belly, chest, head until each piece merges into an undivided whole that is rhythmically breathing. This is the realm of subtle form.