The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Christina Feldman's Dharma Talks at London Insight Meditation
Christina Feldman
What I teach is a reflection of the constantly changing nature of my own practice. When I give a talk it is not a set agenda, but something that I've been reflecting about. The talks tend to be in rhythm with my own practice.
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2024-11-16 Chapter 12 of the Dhammapada 26:26
London Insight Meditation Christina Feldman – Teachings from the Dhammapada
2024-11-16 Chapter 1 of the Dhammapada continued 21:35
London Insight Meditation Christina Feldman – Teachings from the Dhammapada
2024-11-16 Chapter 1 of the Dhammapada 41:02
London Insight Meditation Christina Feldman – Teachings from the Dhammapada
2024-11-16 Introduction to the Dhammapada 9:58
London Insight Meditation Christina Feldman – Teachings from the Dhammapada
2024-04-28 Mana (the conceit of self) 15:43
London Insight Meditation Christina Feldman – “The Three Liberating Understandings”
2024-04-28 Anatta (non-self) the third liberating understanding 35:10
London Insight Meditation Christina Feldman – “The Three Liberating Understandings”
2024-04-28 Dukkha (reactivity) the second liberating understanding 19:43
London Insight Meditation Christina Feldman – “The Three Liberating Understandings”
2024-04-28 Anicca (impermanence) the first liberating understanding 35:35
London Insight Meditation Christina Feldman – “The Three Liberating Understandings”
2024-04-28 The process of Insight 7:59
London Insight Meditation Christina Feldman – “The Three Liberating Understandings”
2023-06-11 Retraining perception 36:02
London Insight Meditation Christina Feldman – Distortion, Perception and Proliferation

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