Dukkha is a natural part of our experience. When internalized it manifests as constricting and disjointed somatic states. When met from a clear and settled center, our responses can be guided by harmony and wisdom.
With a heartful attitude, set aside what is not necessary and make a continued deliberate practice around your Dhamma aspirations. Tuning into embodiment with interest and sensitivity, we can locate the missing piece, where harmonization of the mental and somatic domains occurs.
It’s natural for us to step out of our daily scenarios from time to time and take a break from suffering. Ask: “What’s most important now?” Find the hidden grooves that move towards destinations that don’t exist – permanence, sustained agreeable feeling, being in control – and establish ground in embodied awareness instead.
It’s possible for citta to review the 5 aggregates, not be stuck in them. Practice with sustaining a quality of awareness that’s open and receptive to shifting and changing. This awareness can be applied to your world.
Exploring the experience of consciousness and noting what occurs – through the eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind. Includes 15 min standing meditation.
Distinguishing dukkha as a characteristic and dukkha as a Noble Truth. Relax – nothing is under control. Acknowledging this is the start of a reset. Rather than meeting experience with pre-formed strategies, pause, expand awareness, and meet experience without jumping to conclusions.
Opening guidance - As we settle in and incline away from sense contact, our internal experience may seem chaotic. Stability comes from a relationship to this volatile, mundane, unglamorous stuff – one that accepts what arises without rejecting, adopting or adding to it. This relationship is what generates awakened intelligence – the wisdom of “It’s like this now.”
Walking meditation can counter the conditioning of the business model. Walking with nowhere to go, broadening attention to include the whole body, to feel the fluidity and pleasure of bodily ease. [Instructions end 11:28]