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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at London Insight Meditation
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2017-09-16 02 Guided Meditation – 3 Reference Points: Presence, Whole, Balance 29:32
Ajahn Sucitto
Guidance to sense into the 3 reference points, something the body knows but mind doesn’t. Amplify the sense of here-ness, lessen the sense of place and time. A here that’s always here, lessening engagement with what’s not always here. Best done in the experience of body.
London Insight Meditation "I" without "Am" … the Open Field of Mind

2017-09-16 01 Self Is an Addition to What’s Already Here 21:36
Ajahn Sucitto
The fundamental unit of existence is “me” and we try to fill in this existence, “myself”, the center that orients my actions. The mind creates entities, fixed objects. In meditation we can see they’re not fixed at all, just resonances.
London Insight Meditation "I" without "Am" … the Open Field of Mind

2016-09-11 Space Walking 4:41
Ajahn Sucitto
Walking Meditation Instructions: As we settle in to walking meditation, something starts to flow. Details merge into a sense of ease, pliability and motility, all of which help us meet potentially difficult topics.
London Insight Meditation Guided by Nature

2016-09-11 Citta - Our Liberation Potential 29:29
Ajahn Sucitto
We possess enough wisdom to review kamma and work through it. The process begins with noticing the effects on citta – that which makes up my subjective world – and meeting resulting feelings. Feelings that are felt, mindfully held, can be surmounted through wisdom and released.
London Insight Meditation Guided by Nature

2016-09-11 How to Use Sitting Time Wisely 14:47
Ajahn Sucitto
Guided Sitting Meditation: (Brief instructions given in first two minutes.) Touch ground, and begin to sense the body subjectively. Avoid too much language, being suggestive rather than technically accurate. Tune into the quality of it all binding together, affecting itself.
London Insight Meditation Guided by Nature

2016-09-11 The Realm of Subtle Form 33:20
Ajahn Sucitto
Standing Meditation: Find balance, where least effort is needed. From the soles of the feet, begin to sweep awareness up into the legs, belly, chest, head until each piece merges into an undivided whole that is rhythmically breathing. This is the realm of subtle form.
London Insight Meditation Guided by Nature

2016-09-11 Subjective Reality Is the Place for Liberation 39:43
Ajahn Sucitto
In the world of systems, life is explained, and measured in terms of objectivity. This reality results in the experience of division and stress. In subjective reality there is direct feeling and experiencing of life through embodiment. Everything is met and integrated. This is the reality to be experienced, cultivated and cleared for ultimate liberation.
London Insight Meditation Guided by Nature

2016-09-11 Returning to Our Natural State 42:59
Ajahn Sucitto
Intro & Guided Meditation: Embodiment is a touchstone for deep sanity where we come back to our fundamental senses. It is a domain we cannot be separated from, though we separate ourselves from it.
London Insight Meditation Guided by Nature

2016-09-10 Walking with Nowhere to Go 5:05
Ajahn Sucitto
Walking Meditation Instructions: Customarily, walking is about 'getting somewhere', but in walking meditation there's nowhere to go. Widen the perceptual field like a bubble and tune into how the body walks.
London Insight Meditation Guided by Nature

2016-09-10 Tuning in to the Soft Intelligence of the Body 55:14
Ajahn Sucitto
Guided Meditation Body: When the held places in the body relax, energy shifts into a receptive state where many fine intelligences exist. Experiment with the power and gift of energies in the hands.
London Insight Meditation Guided by Nature

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